Signature: unit -> bool
Get the boolean value of an element (assuming that the value is a boolean)
CompiledName: INIValue.AsBoolean
Signature: (cultureInfo:(type) option) -> decimal
Get a number as a decimal (assuming that the value fits in decimal)
CompiledName: INIValue.AsDecimal
x.AsFloat(?cultureInfo, ?missingValues)
Signature: (cultureInfo:(type) option * missingValues:string [] option) -> float
Get a number as a float (assuming that the value is convertible to a float)
CompiledName: INIValue.AsFloat
Signature: (cultureInfo:(type) option) -> int
Get a number as an integer (assuming that the value fits in integer)
CompiledName: INIValue.AsInteger
Signature: (cultureInfo:(type) option) -> int64
Get a number as a 64-bit integer (assuming that the value fits in 64-bit integer)
CompiledName: INIValue.AsInteger64
Signature: unit -> INIValue list
Get all the elements of an INI value.
Returns an empty list if the value is not an INI.
CompiledName: INIValue.AsList
Signature: unit -> string
Get the string value of an element (assuming that the value is a scalar)
Returns the empty string for INIValue.Null
CompiledName: INIValue.AsString
Signature: unit -> (type)
Get all the elements of a INI value (assuming that the value is an array)
CompiledName: INIValue.GetEnumerator
Signature: propertyName:string -> INIValue list
Get property of an INI object. Fails if the value is not an object
or if the property is not present
CompiledName: INIValue.GetProperty
Signature: unit -> string
Get inner text of an element
CompiledName: INIValue.InnerText
Signature: propertyName:string -> INIValue list
Assuming the value is an object, get value with the specified name
CompiledName: INIValue.Item
Signature: index:int -> INIValue
Try to get the value at the specified index, if the value is a INI array.
CompiledName: INIValue.Item
x.Map(matchConditions, newValue)
Signature: (matchConditions:string list * newValue:INIValue) -> INIValue
Map INIValue based on matching conditions
CompiledName: INIValue.Map
Signature: string * INIValue list
Get a sequence of key-value pairs representing the properties of an object
CompiledName: INIValue.get_Properties
Signature: string * INIValue list
Get a sequence of key-value pairs representing the properties of an object
CompiledName: INIValue.get_Properties
Signature: propertyName:string -> INIValue list option
Try to get a property of a INI value.
Returns None if the value is not an object or if the property is not present.
CompiledName: INIValue.TryGetProperty